// the muscle


We engineered the Clean Power variable frequency drive combining features that are normally found separately in multiple different products. We do this all while keeping product cost lower and product volume much smaller than a conventional drive.

SmartD Technologies Inc.  produces advanced motor control products based on 3 core technologies that complement each other to bring the best Return On Investment:

Wide-Band Gap (WBG) Transistors

The emergence of a new generation of power electronics transistors dubbed wide-bandgap (WBG), such as Gallium-Nitride (GaN) and Silicone Carbide (SiC) transistors, offer new capabilities based on their properties of low RdsON, fast switching, and low switching loss.

When these properties are applied to motor drives, they can improve energy efficiency and signal quality. In the field, they can result in high motor efficiency, fast control response, lower motor torque ripple, smaller low cost filter size, and much more.

Wide Band Gap WBG MOSFET vs Si IGBT technology

The use of wide-bandgap and high switching frequency comes with its own technical challenges. Getting these results is not as simple as pushing technology onto a product. 

Multi-Level Inverters (MLI)
Multilevel inverters (MLI) are used as power converters for energy conversion systems in industrial applications. MLI function inside renewable energy conversion systems, grid connected inverters, electric transportation, electrical vehicles, aerospace and other industrial plant applications. MLI have not made it into Low Voltage Motor Control because of the theoretical high cost. MLI improve harmonic content, reduced dv/dt, lower switching frequency and losses, decrease electromagnetic interference (EMI) and fault-tolerant capabilities, and increase efficiency. Sum up the proposed features and using MLI in products means a much lower total cost of ownership.
Modulation & Control Algorithms

Precise control and modulation algorithms are needed to take full advantage of WBG and MLI applied to motor drives.

SmartD’s strong IP portfolio of control and modulation algorithms reduce the size and number of passive elements needed in inverters while enabling sensor-less VFD control. This decreases the cost of the product and increases its reliability.

WBG transistors do not necessarily generate benefits everywhere they are used. Using our innovative modulation method enables SmartD to use WBG transistors optimally. They are only used where product design requires it, thereby getting the most out of their properties while minimizing cost.

GAN vs IGBT frequency technology

// power in numbers


Power Electronics and Industrial Control Research Group (GRÉPCI) is a team of researchers whose work is focused on simulation and smart system controls, power electronics and renewable energy.

Canada Research Chair in Electrical Energy Conversion and Power Electronics' objectives are the energy improvement of static converters and the improvement of energy quality in electrical distribution networks.

National Research Council Canada
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